This weekend Ashley and I went to CiY Super Start event in Cincinnati, with 7 pre-teen kids, oh, and Bliss. We were the lone adults on the trip, and Bliss loved the attention. After we returned Saturday night, we were tired, and Bliss was even more tired. We were not looking forward to Daylight Savings happening that night and losing an hour of sleep on top of the crazy weekend. Plus, Bliss doesn't do well at night when she is that tired.
But, to our surprise, she slept straight through the night. Ashley was pumped. She then slept for 2 and half hours Sunday afternoon, and fell asleep during the walk shortly following her nap. She fell asleep in the car as we returned the van. Then didn't want to eat before bed, or have anyone put her to sleep.
What she wanted was to be layed down so she could sleep. We put her to bed last night, and she went down on her own, and didn't get up til 6am this morning, and then went right back to sleep.
Was it the trip, or is it Daylight Savings, or both. We don't know, but we do know we have a sleepy girl on our hands.