Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shower pictures

9.13.11 Me wearing baby booties

9.13.11 Baby shower #2 guestbook

Baby shower #3 cake!
Here are a few pics from our showers. We are so blessed to have friends and family throwing us showers and giving us lots of gifts to help when she gets here. As we are getting closer and are starting to get everything in place, we are getting REALLY ready for her arrival!

Monday, September 26, 2011

3 down, 1 to go

3 showers down, one more to go. And less than two months till Bliss arrives. November 21st cannot come soon enough.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We are having baby shower number 2 tonight. We have had one and Bliss has more stuff and clothing than I think I do, and we still have 2 more after this one. Yikes!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Winning pt.2

A couple weeks ago I talked about winning. It really is about the gameplan, gameplan poorly you will have a hard time winning, or figuring out why you aren't winning, if you don't have a gameplan then you won't win, and well it is obvious that winning wasn't a priority. And I asked what are you planning for your children? What do you want them to be when they leave home? Who do you want them to believe when they leave home? What do you want them to believe about their faith? How do you want them to treat others?

If I am going to talk about it I best do it. Last week Ashley and I sat down and started talking about who we want Bliss to be when she leaves home. What we want her faith to look like, what kind of person we want her to be. Now that we have begun to talk about ideas, we have to look at the gameplan on how to execute the ideas. More updates to come on winning...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I look forward too....

I am looking forward to daddy daughter days. The ones where it's Bliss and I doing whatever we want (which really means whatever she wants, which may mean lots of trips to the mall, or imaginary tea parties, etc).

I look forward to making special memories with her, early, and often, so that when she is older she and I have a bond that will survive those teenage years.

I look forward to changing diapers, I say this now, but will most likely will not be saying it later.

I look forward to making her feel better when she is crying, or hurts or knee, or is scared.

I look forward to see her grow up.

I look forward to spending life with her!