Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bliss the Lightweight

Recently I have been able to feel Bliss move. Ashley has been able to feel her move longer than I have and often Ashley would yell out our girl is moving I would race over and try to feel the movement and one of two things happened, Bliss would stop moving (which was often the case), or the movement was so small I couldn't feel it. Most of the time when I did feel it I would have to ask for confirmation, "was that her" because it was so slight I didn't know if it was Ashley breathing or my mind playing tricks on me. But not two nights ago. Bliss was kicking and punching, it was like she was training for the baby olympics. Last night from across the room I could she Bliss kicking and punching as Ashley's stomach would move to Bliss' movement. All this to say that she is getting bigger and bigger and more and more active and I cannot wait to hold her and be able to love on her.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Bliss started her 23rd week yesterday. 23 was also Ryne Sandberg's uniform number. Go Cubs!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So yesterday was Ashley's birthday. The unique thing about her birthday is that she shares it with her sister. No she is not a twin. Her sister was born on the same day 7 years before. So Happy Belated Blog Birthday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Bliss is headed off to camp with us for the first time tomorrow. She'll turn 22 weeks on Wednesday. Praying that this week goes well and it is not too uncomfortably hot for Momma.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

20 weeks pic

Here's my belly at 20 weeks and 5 days. Carrying her high and my pre-pregnancy pants are still fitting! We have lots of works to do before she gets here. Her room is completely empty, needs paint and furniture, but we have 4 more months. It has flown by though. Before we know it, we'll be holding our little girl :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Little Late

So this is a little late. But on our anniversary July 7th I got to feel Bliss move for the first time. Ashley has gotten to feel her move serveral times and called me over quickly to feel, but I am always too late, or Bliss is already deciding to give her daddy grief. Either way I finally got to feel the little girl move. It's exciting to know we are over half way through the pregnancy and soon we will have a little bundle of Bliss to care for.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away....

4 years ago on this date, Ashley and I were married. And life hasn't been the same since. We have had lots of ups and downs, and faced lots of trials that has made our love stronger. Ashley I love you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Moments, some remembered, some new

Around the 4th of July every year is special for Ashley and I. We meet on July 3rd, 2004, had our first date on July 5th, and we got married on July 7th, 2007. This time of year always brings back those memories of when we first met, or when we were first married etc But this year we got to add a new memory, ashley felt Bliss move for the first time. Bliss has moved and kicked with my hand on Ashley's belly, but has not moved in a way or place that I could feel it. So now when we look back this wil lbe another memory we will add.