Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Blissful Christmas

Bliss' best Dr. Evil

Santa's Little Helper

Aunt Ann

Great Mammaw Woodford

Monday, December 26, 2011


Last night Bliss was being difficult and wouldn't go to sleep for Ashley. She handed her to me and before I made any attempts to get her to sleep I gave her a lecture. (Yes I was trying to lecture a one month old on the importance of and the need to go to sleep) I told her its time to close your eyes and dream about puppy dogs, unicorns, rainbows, etc and then she unleashed the biggest smile to date. That put an end to the lecture (seriously who could continue to lecture a one month old when they are smiling at you). This morning she was up with Ashley when I got out of bed and said good morning and got ready to leave when she did it again, a big old smile! It is precious, now we got to try and capture it digitially.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sleeping like Daddy Sleeps

Bliss sleeps like her dad when she is on her stomach, one or more hands under her face, one leg bent, the other straight. I love it, mom isnt a fan yet.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bliss meets her Great Grandparents

Great Grandma Gillespie

Nanna and Pappaw Gillespie

Daddy I'm tired

Growing Up

It's fun to watch our little girl do something new everyday and start to figure things out. She has always looked at who is talking in the room. Last night she was trying to figure out where certain noises were coming from. It's fun to watch her figure out the world around her. We are blessed!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bath Time

Bliss loves bath time.

Even more Bliss

She is growing everyday. Here are pictures of Bliss with more aunts and uncles and cousins.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So Much Bliss

Even though  I have only been a father 6 days I love it and there isnt a moment I would take back, not even the 5 hours of screaming during her first night home.